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Style-Forge Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 24, 2024

This Privacy Policy describes the Style-Forge ("Style-Forge", "we", "us" or "our") practices for handling your information in connection with the website and any related documentation and information made available to you on this website (collectively, the "Services"). This Privacy Policy describes the personal information we process to support our Services.

For clarity, this Privacy Policy does not apply to any:

  1. Use of open source code, documentation, or specifications made available on GitHub (, which are governed by the terms of the applicable open source license;
  2. Pull requests, issues, and any other interactions or features related to participation in open source projects on GitHub, which are governed by GitHub's terms and conditions; or
  3. Usage statistics of our published packages on NPM (, which are governed by NPM's terms and conditions.

What Information Do We Collect?

We do not collect or store any personal data through our website or services. However, we may collect anonymized data via third-party services integrated into our website:

How Do We Use Information?

The sole purpose of collecting the aforementioned data is to understand our website traffic and usage in the most privacy-friendly way possible so that we can continually improve our website and documentation quality. The lawful basis as per the GDPR is "Article 6(1)(f); where our legitimate interests are to improve our website and business continually." As per the explanation, no personal data is stored over time.

Data Retention

All data collected are stored on the aforementioned third-party services and are subject to the services' respective data retention policies.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. Although we do not collect personal data, we take all necessary precautions to ensure that our website and any data processed through third-party services are protected.

Your Rights

As we do not collect personal data, there are no specific user rights regarding data access, rectification, or deletion under this policy. However, if you have any concerns about the data processing practices of Simple Analytics or Algolia, you can review their privacy policies and contact them directly.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or relevant laws. Significant changes to this Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we are protecting your information. Your continued use of the Services after any changes to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acknowledgment and acceptance of the terms of the updated Privacy Policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us via email at